Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Codes and Codebreakers

Greetings, my little cosmic codebreaker.

[My little Harriet (the spy) in her mother's womb. I'll explain later....]

Scientists say that right now your body (in addition to doing the amazing feat of having a heart that beats 160 times a minute) is also decoding DNA. I wish I understood it all, the RNA delivering the signal to create new life and new patterns from the nutrients in your mother's bloodstream. You are literally being built by this unraveling of a genetic code and fed by what she eats day to day.

So, it's probably time to tell you about one little secret your mother and I share, which I was NOT able to share with her this week. But in addition to us both trying to unravel some savory sense of meaning from this world, she and I do the New York Times Crossword together.

We're a team. She finds those unexpected places I've given up on. (A bit of a metaphor for other things in my life) and I usually figure out the corny pun at the heart of the puzzle.

I have this kind of weird image which gets me a bit teary-eyed of the THREE of us solving something together. About you finding some pattern in life, in a puzzle, maybe just in a wonderful knock-knock joke (don't get me STARTED) that the three of us can laugh to and think for just a minute (usually no longer than that!!!) that we got everything figured out.

And sure, I'll admit it... under and hour for this week's crossword.

Pssst... hurry up! I want to solve some puzzles.

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