Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The orange and green, lower right, of the newborn star reveal a large energetic jet moving away from the Earth, which in the visible is hidden by dust and gas. To the left, in pink and purple, the visible part of the jet is seen, streaming partly towards the Earth
Today, this photo was released of a star being born. It was captured by the ALMA telescope in Chile and shows "material streaming from the baby star at incredible speed, glowing as it plows into the surrounding gas and dust."

The glowing mass is called a Herbig-Haro object (named after the U.S. and Mexican astronomers who discovered it) and it is 1,400 light years away in the constellation Vela.

Today, your mother went in to talk to a midwife. Your heart rate is 140 beats per minute. You're sure running fast! (Typical resting rate of an adult is 60 to 80 beats; athletes can be down around 40 to 50.) Although you may seem light years away, your light is here right now. We're waiting on a miracle.

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